About Love Matters in Art

December 19, 2013

This poster was inspired by a video by a Finnish media artist Tanja Kontio.

November 26, 2013

Vol 048. The importance of having sex by force
 // Women think their bodies are there for men's pleasure
 // // // For the 16 days of activism 25th November – 10th December 2013

November 8, 2013

I see design everywhere. I saw it in the Namibian of 17th May, 2013 and the text became a poster.

October 29, 2013

Posters inspired by the article published by the Namibian. These posters were taken down very fast fast!

Here is the link to the article in the NAMIBIAN SUN. For some reason, the link to the Namibian has disappeared.

September 18, 2013

art /// design /////


entertainment has nothing to do with any of the above.

September 9, 2013

Titles of the posters / Poster directory

Vol. 000 2. madness not beyond 12 months
Vol. 001 Life is worthless in Namibia
Vol. 002 Girl hides from vindictive family
Vol. 003 Namibia unsafe for women and girls
Vol. 004 Domestic violence rooted in society's failure to speak out
Vol. 005 Sources report that
Vol. 006 Blah, blah, blah
Vol. 008 xoxoxo x xoxox $$$$$
Vol. 009 He said it's Africa
Vol. 010 It is human to want more
Vol. 011 Several sources indicate
Vol. 012 Sister Namibia magazine article
Vol. 013 Hate me and see if I care* at the National Art Gallery
Vol. 014 Carhousecattlewife A4
Vol. 015  Raped Afraid
Vol. 016 Sugar daddy / Hidden agenda
Vol. 017 To from who women*
Vol. 018 Im 20 yrs old gal,
Vol. 019 Rape victims seldom press charge
Vol. 020 Mercedes Benz is mightier than the sword.
Vol. 021 Onda hala oku hombola
Vol. 022 Nearly 60 000 orphans
Vol. 023 Proposals for The Reform of Inheritance Laws in Namibia
Vol. 024 It wasn't me'
Vol. 025 carhousecattlewife
Vol. 026 already on the bus to Ondangwa for Miss Okapya 2013.
Vol. 027 bikini car wash swimming pool braai vleis pooitjie
Vol. 028 I want to be famous!
Vol. 030 "expensive fun"
Vol. 031 Sies Man!
Vol. 032 Sex for marks 31 Aug 2011
Vol. 033 The Dogg - Can You Feel It - YouTube
Vol. 034 Eish!
Vol. 035 Sex for marks
Vol. 036 More money more fame
Vol. 037 Ladies, pretenders and politicians
Vol. 038 bmw/gbv/rgb/usb/ltd/ifg/ntb/gdp/mp3/hiv/etse bro!
Vol 039
Vol. 040 I had rich friends, but they weren't giving me their money.
Vol. 041 Thank you Finnish Embassy
Vol. 042 Do not socialize with
Vol. 042B Do not socialize with                         a white
Vol. 043 watching behaviour
Vol. 044 one namibia one nation
Vol. 045 looking for white single/widow/divorcee man aged 50-75 yrs
Vol. 048
Vol. 049
Vol. 50-54 Day of the African Child posters
Vol. 060

September 6, 2013

Poster donation to the Finnish Embassy in Windhoek.

// Suomen suurlähetystö oli mukana tukemassa Niina Turtolan näyttelyä ”Love Matters in Art”. Projekti toi esille uutisia, tekstejä ja tutkimustuloksia, käyttäen typografiaa ja graafisen 
suunnittelun keinoja kommunikoimiseen. Teemana olivat naisten ja lasten oikeudet, pohjana teksteille muun
muassa lainsäädäntö, uutiset ja muut kirjalliset lähteet. 

Kuvassa vasemmalta: va. asiainhoitaja Anne Saloranta ja Niina Turtola.

August 9, 2013

The interesting thing about Namibians is that they can spot visitors a mile off.

August 6, 2013

All the posters exhibited at the National Art Gallery of Namibia on the Hate me and see if I care* exhibition will be on display on this site. 

Vol 016. Sugar Daddy / Hidden Agenda 
Vol 017. to from who women*
Vol 019. Rape victims seldom press charges
Vol 014. (edit) carhousecattlewife

August 2, 2013

The viewer does not need to understand what the posters are about, it is enough that they SEE other options, than the "normal A3 sheet of color print with a photograph".

I challenge people who are Producers of Posters to Create Reproductions Without Photographs.

We do not need more photographs in this world. 

Producers of Posters should not provide people of the streets what they assume is wanted -- but the o p p o s i t e of the so-called-common. The human becomes numb zombie like creature if we follow and reproduce the OBVIOUS.

Text. Invigorates your brain. And we do not need to think what sells. Illusion of money and material is an Make Believe Utopia reproduced by institutions dealing with money and profit.

July 29, 2013

Two image excerpts from a movie Sous le Sable.
Series: "Note. You do not need to give birth to become a women."

A women has to do nothing to be a woman. You are born as a women and you live as a woman. If you were born a woman.

July 23, 2013

Niina Marjatta Turtola answer to your question

"Which program do you use to design?"


"My mind.  It is programmed to think."

The word art should be erased form the dictionaries, immediately you can erase it from your vocabulary. It means nothing. 

Use Philosophy. Then we can talk. 

Niina Marjatta Turtola hanging out at the National Art Gallery of Namibia for 
Hate me and see if I care* exhibition. 

©Djunior Svane 2012.
Press Release:

The Minister of Truth and Typography has decided to run for the Parliament Cabinet.

She will also run around the Cabinet. 

Her Majesty, The Minister will participate in the yearly student exhibition ART SPLASH at the College of the Arts, KCAC Campus and the New Media Design Center on the 15th of November.

There will be a Photo Booth where take your picture with the Minister.

July 22, 2013

Q: "What is trust dear Minister?"

A: "Trust is when you know that the person you discuss with is true in what he says and the actions related to the speech communicate the same. It either exist or it does not. It can be amended but only with actions in coherence with speech." 

July 19, 2013

Q: "Dear Minister, many people seem to think that this project had a huge amount of people working in it?"

A: "Yes, that is an illusion, even one person can do very much if they set their mind to it. This is the case here.

This project has been implemented by the Love Matters in Art spokesperson who had much help from myself, the Minister, plus a Very Personal Cooperation Partner. There were few New Media Design students who were working as distributors and some distributed posters if they wanted to. One school assignment was linked purely to this project. That was the Research through Graphic Design.

All I can say is that one person can make all the difference they want to.

I follow "Just DO IT - philosophy. So, I just did it. And am still doing it.

Ultimately, there should be a law against Visual Pollution. Of course this project is not visual pollution. So much self-confidence I the Minister do have."

Q; Tangi unene today.

July 16, 2013

Today a South-Korean artist photographer Onejoon Che visited the New Media Design Centre and gave a presentation about his projects. A very intriguing and thought provoking presentation. Thank you Onejoon Che!

A very fruitful day, indeed. 

Above image: Poster design by Niina Turtola together with a logo experiment for the New Media Design Centre future possible logo.

Oh my god, there is a Big Chicken in the flat!

A building contractor visited my flat today. The tiles are loose and some of them are cracked. He did his investigation and said he will get back to me very soon. He asked then is there anything else, 

I replied, Yes, There is a Huge Chicken in the flat standing right behind you! How did it get here????????

I continued "According to the House Rules of the Complex" no pets are welcome, but that this one is house friendly". You are very welcome dear Minister of Truth and Typography.

July 11, 2013

Q&A continues:

Dear Minister: "There was a comment from a local Namibian artist who thinks that no one actually understands what this project is about, the artist also thinks you have wasted a lot of your time on the project when people do not understanding what it is about. Any comments?"

Minister of Truth: "To begin with, I think that there are too many people calling themselves artists just based on the fact that they can hold a pen in their hand, produce a piece of paper with a draft fro a drawing they refer to as an art piece. Many of these images are being exhibited in the National Art Gallery of Namibia as we speak. It is scary and a sign that there is something wrong with the current status quo thinking "Anything goes". At the same time it is a relief to think anything can actually be art, just do it. Better art pieces, however, can be found in the streets. Standards of what is art, what is design, are slowly being understood. Otherwise, if one can answer the question WHY fluently, something good is going on.

Many people think their opinion is important, when it is not. Silence often better. Do not talk. For me, opinions are a by-product, and quite interesting if there was an engine to record the thoughts, but words are not that interesting since they are conditioned! In the end, what is the so-called-general-opinion is not interesting. I have no impact on this either. This project is a campaign for pro-free-thinking! Please do something to think free. Seriöusly. It is funny that people think there was a huge campaigning machine and masses or people around this project, when the truth is it is a self-initiated project, with no institution funding, a start for distributing messages on the streets. I guess people so not see that individuals can make a difference. People are so wrong! Of course we can. We see things as we are, not as they are. We should break free. Everything is either conditioned by our culture or our conditioned minds. Being an individual is like being your own God. I have been a slave of thinking but refuse it now.

It is sad if people would see art only as a campaign. Art has no end result. Process, the unfinished reality, is the outcome. See Guy Debord and the Society of Spectacle as a reference. I am currently reading a book by Robert Bringhurst "The Tree of Meaning". That is where life can be. In our minds, to expand our conditioned minds. Picasso's most interesting work was his mind where he was trying to process his mind with his hand and what came out was a new perspective.

“When you think intensely and beautifully, something happens. That something is called poetry. If you think that way and speak at the same time, poetry gets in your mouth. If people hear you, it gets in their ears. If you think that way and write at the same time, then poetry gets written. But poetry exists in any case. The question is only: are you going to take part, and if so, how?” 

The 19th Century German philosopher G.W.F. Hegel makes reference to the Owl of Minerva in his 'Preface to The Philosophy of Right.' Hegel says: "The Owl of Minerva only takes flight at dusk" By this he means that the culminating wisdom of an historical epoch is gained in hindsight - at dusk - before a new epoch arises.

Thank you good night". 
"History positively guides us. I realise that a Workshop I attended at the University of Art and Design Helsinki in 2008 has been the influence partly to the Love  Matters in Art poster production in the technical implementation." 

Random is a word I would describe my implementation idea for the poster. I wanted to make a "Poster Generator" that makes a new kind of poster everytime. 


July 4, 2013

Detail form a poster: Name of the detail is: Girls' ability to (tastefully) reveal flesh.

Rural Girls' Talent Challenge, one of the articles used in making the posters


Today the controversial Hate me and see if I care* exhibition will be dismantled. Exciting-exciting as the project takes a new outlook on life after listening to people for a month quietly. 

1. The posters will find a owner.  They will be either given or sent to chosen different people in different parts of the world. The receiver of the poster will be asked to take a photograph of the poster hanging at a location chosen by the owner.

 2. The poster creation will continue as it did before the hanging at Galerie Nazionale de Namibie.

3. Now that the Minister of Truth and Typography is available (after a month at the Gallery) we will start a Q&A session with the Minister himself talking to shine REAL light on the issues at the new Ministry and about the project. Previously you have only read point-of-views-of local journalists. The interview will be conducted by a Word Journalist from the in-house-press called Stop the Press at the Ministry. 

July 2, 2013


“There is too much posing and too much flesh everywhere,” says Turtola.

“Through the posters I am offering anti-photographic views. I am tired of seeing people in posters. People posing do not belong on posters. Many posters in Namibia are visual pollution. What you do not see is just as important.” 

See more in the Namibian.

July 1, 2013


"It is a bizarre art collection that explores the reality of women killings in Namibia, the issue of young girls with the ‘sugar daddy’ syndrome and the materialism in society. Her posters are drafted exclusively for the hall of society to understand clearly the “tokolosie” role some men play in breaking up homes and disturbing the peace."

28 Jun 2013 - Story by Jemima Beukes

June 27, 2013

Vol 044. One Namibia Nation / The following 28 pages are in this category, out of 28 total.

June 26, 2013

Beliefs Determine Behaviour
WHEN youths watch porn, meaningless pictures and videos and look at questionable magazines, the mind-set will begin to believe what they invest their time in.
Sirefwe Ernest

Poster Vol 043. Watching Behaviour – has been sent to print.

June 25, 2013

Waiting for possible photographs of a Sister Namibia workshop in Rundu last weekend.  

Vol 042B. seems to be either collected down or taken down very fast. 
Very interesting research discovery.

June 24, 2013

"I love typography, I think I was born with text in my pocket," an excited Niina says.
The Namibian Sun, 12.06.2013

“Kyk weer, as jy niks gesien het nie, is jy ooit wakker?
The Republikein, 13.06.2013

"But actually, I really just want to P R O VO  CA T             E and create discussion in the society, 

a society 






for too


or maybe it can,

I do not personally wish to participate in the conversation of the subject matter, we are individually responsible for ourselves, mostly, I just want to direct the way" said Ms Turtola in an interview today with herself by herself about her exhibition. 

Freud, You were right. 

June 21, 2013

A4-size posters are traveling today to Rundu woth Sister Namibia. Looking forward to see some photographs of posters posting in Rundu! Exciting!

sur sur surrr sur sur surrr real re al r e a l
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r e aa le

psotre p
o   s t  e r 

June 19, 2013

one wonderful  Life
is. Why?
For, I posters
Love saw two Matters in Art streets
because  on the of Windhoek today, which were NOT put up by myself.
posters when
invited another different
heart sweet For reason the Matters in Art Love
posters to occasions/events the past
show exist during were three
week. It is. Warms the.
Life when
is there are le tt er s on the streets manifesting about issues-no-easily-approachable
by the society. and Art to these issues.

Yes, that is it!

June 18, 2013

Niina Turtola's Love Matters in Art mobile posters were invited to join the Day of the African Child by the Embassy of Finland.

The Day of the African Child was celebrated on Saturday at the after-school centre in Katutura. The event was held under the theme ‘eliminating harmful social and cultural practices affecting children: Our collective responsibility’.

Thank you!

Toptop: Namibian kids whose names I did not ask and Niina Turtola (the TypoWriter). 
Top: Mr Kari Saloranta and Niina Turtola and ChargĂ© d'Affaires Anne Saloranta. 
Above: A4-posters covering a wall and passers-by.