About Love Matters in Art

April 22, 2013

College of the Arts, New Media Centre graphic design students involved in designing hand made posters in the Poster Design unit.

Tools used: 
pencil, text marker, highlighter and max. 4 hours of time.

Students posters from top to bottom:
Garwin Beukes, Isack Kapembe, Julius Tjipo and Desley Hitiraukunga. 

New Media Design course is a 3 year Diploma course in Applied Arts at the College of the Arts. New Media Design Department exist at the Katutura Community Art Centre. 

April 19, 2013

April 18, 2013

College of the Arts, Main Campus, Fidel Castro Street, April 17

April 13, 2013

Love Matters in Art: My body, My mind, My life // Namibian News ReTyped and edited

Love Matters in Art starts a dialogue between the 
viewer/reader, an individual person in the society, and the poster, object presenting the text, dialogue happens in the process of reading. Dialogue is the interaction between the poster + the viewer, reader. 

Posters in Action.

Simply: to create a dialogue between everyday people, us all, with no titles and no status symbols. The dialogue inside of us and possibly continuing as a conversation between different viewers.

Visually, the logo design is as an appropriation design of the Land Matters in Art project logo (currently running in Windhoek). But it is smoother, rounder, handprinted, manifests itself as a red ink stamp, the News ReTyped. Always a stamp. Stamp is the printer and a link between the paper and myself.

Love Matters in Art is about You.

Dry ink pad on a pink paper.

April 12, 2013

University of Namibia, Windhoek, April 12

Olympia pool, Windhoek, April 12

Gochas, Southern Namibia, March 29

Frans Indongo Street, Windhoek, March 27

Lake Oanob Resort, March 10

Lo Lo Park, Windhoek, March 9

Joule Street, Windhoek, March 7

Hills of Windhoek, March 2  

April 11, 2013

"All Violence is the Illustration of a Pathetic Stereotype". 

- Barbara Kruger

April 10, 2013

“Relationships are treated like Dixie cups. They are the same. They are disposable. If it does not work, drop it, throw it away, get another.

Committed bonds (including marriage) cannot last when this is the prevailing logic. Most of us are unclear about what to do to protect and strengthen caring bonds when our self-centered needs are not being met.”

bell hooksAll About Love: New Visions

April 8, 2013

Love Matters in Art is an Editor and designer who retypes the information and texts she finds in the media, books and statistics in Namibia. 

April 4, 2013

Love Matters in Art was born to start a dialogue with everyday people concerning the status quo of the Namibian society.